Parfait Recipe - Blueberry Kiwi and Chia Pudding Parfait

Parfait Recipe - Blueberry Kiwi and Chia Pudding Parfait
This Blueberry Kiwi and Chia Pudding Parfait is a nutritious and tasty breakfast or snack high in fiber, protein, and antioxidants. The maple syrup-sweetened chia pudding is flavored with vanilla extract and sweetened with maple syrup, while the fresh blueberries and kiwi add a burst of fruity goodness. The granola gives the parfait a nice crunch, making it a satisfying and filling meal. Made with Vanilla Extract, Chia Seeds, Almond Milk, Granola, Maple Syrup, Fresh Blueberries, Kiwis. #maple syrup, #fresh blueberries, #chia seeds, #kiwis, #granola, #almond milk, #vanilla extract
